Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Painted murals

One idea I've been mulling over for a long time is the idea of creating a painted mural instead of a traditional headboard in our bedroom. It's an odd space and a traditional headboard (besides being expensive, hard-to-find, and impractical for a California King size bed we don't plan to keep for more than 5 more years), just won't fit with the window. The murals I like all seem to be trees. The big ones are made easier with a projector to trace the image onto a wall, but if you're truly gifted, you could probably freehand it, too. Here are some that I love:
Cherry blossom mural from Young House Love

One of several awesome birch tree murals in a nursery (also love the branch and birds mobile here!)

Birch trees in a grownup bedroom! From Design Sponge.

Fantastic 3-D tree & birdhouse mural from Ohdeeoh

Lovely simple tree mural, also from Ohdeeoh

This gorgeous mural would be insanity to create, but maybe in a "forever" house?

This simple tree mural allegedly only took 4 hours to make, and there's a tutorial on free-handing it!

Lovely, simple line-drawing murals from Australian artist Jane Reiseger. These are lovely and charming and whimsical, but look simple enough that even I might be able to handle doing it! A good reminder that a mural doesn't have to be complicated to make an impact. More of her murals at Ohdeeoh.

I know murals can sometimes be worse than wallpaper borders on the tackiness scale. A badly -done mural can totally ruin a good space. What do you think? Is it worth it to take a risk with some paint?

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